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reflecs - 05-08-2015 12:12:17
Computers & Telefonie

Calibre overzetten

Beschrijving voor b.v. dropbox:
http://rsnijders.info/vakblog/2013/03/28/calibre-met-dezelfde-bibliotheek-op-meerdere-pcs-gebruiken-via-dropbox/ ">klik http://rsnijders.info/vakblog/2013/03/28/calibre-met-dezelfde-bibliotheek-op-meerdere-pcs-gebruiken-via-dropbox/

voor het kopiƫren naar een andere computer:
how do i move my calibre library from one computer to another?

simply copy the calibre library folder from the old to the new computer. you can find out what the library folder is by clicking the calibre icon in the toolbar. the very first item is the path to the library folder. now on the new computer, start calibre for the first time. it will run the welcome wizard asking you for the location of the calibre library. point it to the previously copied folder. if the computer you are transferring to already has a calibre installation, then the welcome wizard wont run....
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