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@HENK@ - 27-01-2017 23:26:58
Computers & Telefonie

Sms ontvangen verificatiecode whatsapp

dit krijg je wanneer je googeld op dat nummer

zie ook : https://www.shouldianswer.co.uk/phone-number/01616961154" target="_blank">https://www.shouldianswer.co.uk/phone-number/01616961154


whatsapp (service) reported by moderator
it is the number whatsapp uses for certification and it is also useful if you need to reinstall the app or change phone. it happens that someone try with a random number to install a second copy of the app on another device. this causes a call from +441616961154 that obviously seems strange for the unsuspecting owner of that number. there are even websites dedicated to this! this may have led two people (and i seem few) to produce a negative signal. it isn't a call center, but only a robot who say the numeric password for attivation. if you want to try install/reinstall whatsapp and ignore the sms (or insert a wrong numeric password). you can verify positive on your site or here: https://www.cleverdialer.de/telefonnummer/00441616961154/