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Genee - 26-10-2017 17:40:19
Computers & Telefonie

Nero burning rom restje verwijderen

Deze gebruiker heeft gezocht op de namen ahead en nero en alles wat deze namen bevat verwijderd en windows10 update daarna geen probleem.

okay ed, 

problem solved.. the "manually uninstall" prompt is gone now! i can proceed with my upgrade : ) 

what i did was basically search for any file or folder going by the name of "ahead" or "nero" in the "program files (x86)" and "program files" folders. i deleted all top level folders matching the name. and also a lot of the files living else where inside other programs folders just to be safe. since everything i've deleted is in the recycle bin. i'm planning to selectively restore some of those files after the upgrade if i notice any odd behaviour from the affected programs afterwards. if that dsen't work i can always reinstall them anyway. the important thing is my upgrade is happening now! 

as it stands my registry and installed programs list were already cleared out before. since i'd already wasted entirely too many hours behind this "simple" upgrade i decided to take the nuclear option and trash as many items related to nero as i possibly could. turns out it worked.. 

so my guess is the setup routine parses the contents of the "program files (x86)" folder and throws up a warning message if it finds anything matching it's database. regardless of whether the program is "installed" or not. so any cruft accidentally left behind after uninstallation can also block your upgrade! 

hope that was clear enough.

bron   http://forum.nero.com/nero_eng/topics/windows-10-installation-problem-with-nero-products" target="_blank">http://forum.nero.com/nero_eng/topics/windows-10-installation-problem-with-nero-products