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Migenad - 20-05-2023 09:57:33
Garantie & Verzekeringen


Hi, we have the same problem with kiesdak. they came in january 2023 and they did not finished the job. unfortunately we have paid them as they promised to come back, but we did not hear from them anymore. we are following this case with our lawyer. it seems that the payment is done after the company is unregistered in kvk. in this case is a fraude case and we are advised to go to the police. we were told by the police that if more people go to register the case agains kiesdak (to the police) then the case against the company becomes stronger. we are already 2 parties who registered our case at the police. we looked further and it seems the company changes the names often. i suggest you consider  going to the police, so they can investigate. in this way hopefully the kiesdak or people leading this fraude scheme get stopped.