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edwardus - 24-04-2007 19:19:25
Elektronica & TV

Bbc via de satelliet en meer

als je op die link klikt krijg je misschien wel de "engelse" versie van de tekst, die is zeker niet minder bijzonder:

"a dish omopvallend to use, thus arranged for places where actual no dish allowed is. cubsat is certain knowledge the most discrete dish that there is. you do install is can be installed looks at to make can want to become without tools. for many men, the largest problem the installation of a schotelantennecubesat without tools, in a few minutes you satellite. the cubesat yet more discretely he in a willekleurige geverfd. rust cannot has been made the cubesat in such a way, he by high-quality synthetic material. arranged for analogous and digital reception. but the allerbelangrijkste is the discrete appearance, neighbors friends and knowledges will it do not strike that you a "dish" have