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verwijderd - 23-10-2007 21:49:24
Computers & Telefonie

Outlookmap verplaatst, probleem!

Windows xp and windows xp sp1: reinstall or repair windows xp
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to repair or reinstall internet explorer and outlook express in windows xp, complete the following procedure while you are logged on as an administrator:

use the system file checker tool to scan all of the protected files on your computer:

click start, and then click run.

in the open box, type sfc /scannow, and then click ok.

note that you may be prompted for the windows xp or windows xp service pack 1 installation media.

test to determine if the issue is resolved. if the issue is resolved, skip the remaining steps. if the issue is not resolved, continue to the next step.

complete an in-place upgrade of windows xp, a repair of windows xp, or reinstall windows xp. for additional information about how to complete an in-place upgrade or repair of windows xp, click the following article number to view the article in the microsoft knowledge base:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315341/">315341 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315341/) how to perform an in-place upgrade (reinstallation) of windows xp

to reinstall windows xp updates, visit the following microsoft windows update web site:


groetjes , labswans