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msjazg - 19-02-2011 19:11:52
Geldzaken & Recht

Kieskeurig weigert mijn review te plaatsen

@ raapsteel - stacey seems to be missing the point here. if a company sells faulty merchandise, then they can be expected to stump up the cost of repair (and by cost i mean all costs - not just some costs). she seems to be saying that you have broken your machine purposely and are trying to leave negative feedback for no other reason than spite - how ridiculous. if your machine broke down in the 'guarantee' period then they should abide by the current laws - whether she thinks this is correct or not. further more, if you wish customers to leave feedback then allow them to do so. if they want to censor anything that is negative then they should remove the function as it is pointless - simple as that. it is a well known fact that companies who provide the best customer service have more return customers. who would return to a company with 'stacey laws' - not me that's for sure!