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tenormin - 23-02-2011 00:02:31
Geldzaken & Recht

Kieskeurig weigert mijn review te plaatsen

how long are you in the netherlands? i'm over here 10 years and my comments are always in dutch as good as i can write the language. if i sit on a french panel i do my best in french, maar dit is nederland. het land is goed voor mij en probeer dat terug te "betalen" in hun normen en waarden.

=vr1944 schreef op dinsdag 22 feb 2011, 23:40: dat je grammatica niet zo goed is geen reden om hier niet in het nederlands te antwoorden.mijn grammitisch engels is ook niet best ,maar ik antwoord toch op z'n engels op britse fora en vreemd genoeg snappen ze allemaal wat ik bedoel. of je antwoord waardevol is bepaal ik niet,maar voor mij dus niet ,want bestellen bij een engelse webstore is ook niet zonder risico=msjazg schreef op dinsdag 22 feb 2011, 18:44: @ vr1944

to set the record straight, no i do not advertise for amazon. my comment was directed at raapsteel so does not really concern you. but as you have been rude enough to comment, i will have the courtesy to reply. i am english, attempting to learn dutch, though i read better than i spell, hence my responses are in english. the reason i do not respond in dutch is because my grammer is not good, maybe you should consider writing in english as yours is not good either! furthermore, no i do not know about dutch consumer rights but neither do you as your comments are neither constructive or helpful. it seems that there are many people like you (or maybe they are all infact you) who like to respond without actually giving any advice - this is of no value to this site. and finally, just because i am english does not mean my point is less valid than yours.