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conny2 - 29-04-2011 17:56:17
Computers & Telefonie

Nokia n8 internet buiten je bundel.

Op het nokia forum klagen gebruikers ook over dit probleem. de telefoon kiest niet als eerste voor wifi (zoals door de gebruiker is ingesteld) maar voor de dure verbinding van de provider. een gebruiker schrijft :

i have a problem with the internet settings on my new n8, i have a lot of wan connetions set up (for when i go to a friends ect) but when i go onto the internet it always uses my gprs or 3g connection, even though the gprs priority is the last on the list. i always have to connect to the wan manually, which is a complete pain, this was never a problem on my n97. has anyone got any ideas on how to fix this. i tried doing a full reset, but it made no difference.

anderen bevestigd dit probleem:

all very familiar to me. it seems i've got a working wificonnection on my n8. but when i set the priority to wifi it still uses my gsm-network for data (internet e.g.) i can't get it right....

i'm having a serious issue with my new n8. i have several wan points set up my my destinations menu, my wan from home is set to priority 1 and all the others 2,3,4,5 and so on with my vodafone gprs set to last. when i connect to the internet from home, it will connect to my wan, however if i go to a friends house and i have their wan settings stored in my phone, it bypasses all the wan priorities and connects straight via my vodafone gprs. this was never a problem with my n97, so what is it doing this?

de vraag is nu of het of het een probleem van de telefoon is of dat de firmware van de provider voor problemen zorgt. vroeger had telfort er een handje van om meerdere keren de voicemail op afstand te activeren...

http://discussions.europe.nokia.com/t5/nseries-and-s60-smartphones/n8-internet-priority-problem/td-p/772837"> nokia forum