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lecram66 - 01-06-2011 14:24:30
Elektronica & TV

Hoe maak ik mijn (mini)dvd leesbaar ?

Bij nummer 22 op http://www.mslinn.com/blog/?p=56">http://www.mslinn.com/blog/?p=56 staan 2 mogelijke oplossingen.

suwat on december 8th, 2006 8:27 am
i am not sure whether you still follow this blog or not. anyway, i will go forward with the answer. first of all, when you try to access the discs with your computer and the computer said that the discs were empty because the discs hadn’t been finalized. you need to finalize the discs with the camcorder before they can be read by a computer. try to finalize the discs. after finalization the discs can be played on a consumer dvd player or accessed by a computer.
if you can’t finalize the discs because of the disk errors you mentioned, then you need a software that can access open-sessioned discs. i have tried some of the disk recovery sharewares and two of them work most of the time.
1. isobuster. right click on the track then left click on “find missing files….” and wait about 10-15 mins. you either luckily get the video_ts folder that you can save to hd and then write on a new dvd disc, or you can get a bunch of vob clips under the folder “…files by signature…”.
2. cd-roller. for this one you need to use “force scan” and to specify the type of discs you used ie. “sony dvd-r” vs “dvd-rw” etc.
to find them on the net, use google. sorry for this short answer. my english isn’t my native language. being a father of three kids myself, i hope you can recover the discs.