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Cookies - 27-10-2012 02:45:53
Computers & Telefonie

Fotosite smile haalt ongevraagd foto’s van mijn computer.

Nee, dit heeft niets met hacken te maken. smile is een foto sharing programma:

there are two very different ways to look at this story. first, it’s an incredible tale of entrepreneurs founding, selling, buying, selling, and now buying again the very same company: webshots. and second, it’s an interesting take on intimate family photo-sharing that automatically sucks up and streams new photos in a nice mobile, desktop and web interface.
both of those descriptions apply to smile, a new photo-sharing service debuting today that will attempt to bridge that gap for webshots’ millions of existing users and potential new ones.
the desktop app sucks up users’ existing photos into a searchable interface, and the mobile app adds new photos to a shared folder that can be seen in real time by the closest family and friends.

bron: allthingsd.com