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Yvons - 16-07-2012 15:36:07
Computers & Telefonie


Is dit weer een spam?
dear y. steege,

this is an important message from amazon.com

as a precaution, we've reset your amazon.com password because you may have been subject to a "phishing" scam.

here's how phishing works:

a scam artist sends an e-mail, which is designed to look like it came from a reputable company such as a bank, financial institution, or retailer like amazon.com, but is in fact a forgery.  these e-mails direct you to a website that looks remarkably similar to the reputable company's website, where you are asked to provide account information such as your e-mail address and password.  since that web site is actually controlled by the phisher, they get the information you entered.

go to amazon.com/phish to read more about ways to protect yourself from phishing.

to regain access to your amazon customer account:

1.   go to amazon.com and click the "your account" link at the top of our website.

2.   click the link that says "forgot your password?"

3.   follow the instructions to set a new password for your account.

please choose a new password and do not use the same password you used with us previously.

thank you for your interest in amazon.com



please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. to contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the help section of our website.