door eddyrocky Mar 16, 2005 om 19:33
Computers & telefonie

Msn spelletjes spelen

een vriend van mij woont in Belgie en ik wil graag een spel spelen via
msn, maar hij kan het niet starten hij heeft msn 7.0 en ik ook.

hij heeft tiscali en ik heb kabel multikabel.

ik krijg het spel wel op mijn scherm hij niet

1262 3 Rapporteer

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door aenigma - Mar 16, 2005 om 20:17
260 Antwoorden / 0 Vragen


De helpfile van MSN messenger over Fun&Games zegt daarover het
volgende. (Mijn excuses voor het feit dat ik dit ipv een link plaats,
de link werkt niet naar behoren).


 1.  In the main MSN Messenger window, click the Actions menu, and then click Play a Game.

   2. In the Play a Game dialog box, click a contact, and then click OK.

      The Conversation window opens and the Fun & Games menu appears.

   3. Click the game or activity you want to share.

      You may be prompted to download software
before the Fun & Games activity can begin. When the security
warning appears, click Yes.


    * You can use only one Fun & Games program at a time per conversation window.

    * You cannot start a Fun & Games program during a conversation with more than one contact.

    * The games you have installed on your computer can
be played in MSN Messenger, but not through Fun & Games. To invite
someone to play one of the games you have installed, click the Actions
menu, and then click the game title.

    * Fun & Games has a category containing
activities that are available to MSN members only. If you are not an
MSN member, clicking any of those activities takes you to a website
where you can sign up for MSN.

    * If you experience problems running games in Fun
& Games, click the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the
Privacy tab. Make sure the Always ask me for my password check box is
clear. You might also need to change your browser's security settings.

   1. In the MSN Messenger Conversation window, click Fun & Games.

   2. Click the game or activity you want to share.


    * You can use only one Fun & Games program at a time per conversation window.

    * You cannot start a Fun & Games program during a conversation with more than one contact.

    * The games you have installed on your computer can
be played in MSN Messenger, but not through Fun & Games. To invite
someone to play one of the games you have installed, click the Actions
menu, and then click the game title.

    * Fun & Games has a category containing
activities that are available to MSN members only. If you are not an
MSN member, clicking any of those activities takes you to a website
where you can sign up for MSN.

    * If you experience problems running games in Fun
& Games, click the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the
Privacy tab. Make sure the Always ask me for my password check box is
clear. You might also need to change your browser's security settings.

door aenigma - Mar 16, 2005 om 20:18
260 Antwoorden / 0 Vragen

DEEL 2: browser settings

Change your browser's security settings

If you are having problems using Fun & Games programs, you might
need to change your browser's security settings. Your browser settings
must be set at medium or lower to use Fun & Games programs. You
also need to allow scripting and cookies.

In Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000:

   1. In the Windows Control Panel, double-click Internet Options.

      The Internet Properties dialog box opens.

   2. Click the Security tab.

   3. Click the Internet icon, and then click Custom Level.

   4. In Settings, under Scripting, make sure all three scripting options are enabled.

   5. In the Reset to drop-down list, click Medium or lower, and then click OK.

   6. Click the Privacy tab, and then move the slider to Medium or higher.

   7. Click OK.


Cookies are small text files created by websites that store information
on your computer, such as your preferences when visiting those sites.
You can choose whether to allow websites to store none, some, or all
cookies on your computer. If you do not allow any cookies, you might
not be able to use Fun & Games programs.

door blossom - Mar 20, 2005 om 11:08
2 Antwoorden / 4 Vragen

Je moet naar je instellingen kijken bij je internet browser.

Extra opties bij geavanceerd. vergelijk samen even waar jij de vinkjes hebt staan en hij niet.

Bij je messenger zelf moet je ook even kijken hoe de settings staan

het kan ook aan MSN zelf liggen en dan kan je hun mailen.

Zij helpen je dan verder om het probleem op te lossen als het nog niet gelukt is.

Groetjes Blossom


Terug naar de vraag

Nieuw op Vraag & Beantwoord

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